Video Post Example

My Story

My portfolio includes samples of my website design, motion-graphic animation and podcast production.

I think that sometimes it’s the people whom no one imagines anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine.

WHAT MAKES ME TICK: I am a passionate creative UX – UI Producer and Website Designer in Columbia, SC. I love the creative outlets afforded me when given the opportunity to help others showcase their imagination online. Digital design is broad in its description, and there is simply no limit to the results that can be generated through creative UX – UI Elements and Website Design.

My background started in electrical engineering, but almost right out of school I got the bug for real estate early on. As time went by, I completely phased out of engineering altogether, dove into the deep end of the real estate swimming pool and never looked back. I conjoined a strong technical background from my education, with real-world real estate marketing techniques and Voilà… tech-marketing became a specialty of mine. Today, digitizing and syndicating your ideas, concepts and dreams (as well as what you see, feel and even hear in the theater of your mind) to the masses is my pleasure and my passion. Especially with the internet’s progressive growth and technical advancements in online marketing & content creation.

The caveat to working with me is that I am now handicapped with arthritis, which forces me to have to now work from home. The benefit though is that I am always at my workstations and I make myself available even into the wee hours. We can meet via video conference or talk on the phone, so communications are at their optimum. Get a quote from anyone else and then contact me, I can either beat it or, if nothing else, offer sage advice.